_Original text in English If I had to choose a person of the year, it would undoubtedly be Richard P. Feynman. I don’t follow other people’s calendars. Do you? Or do you also make up your own? Why let the world dictate when you should be having your “aha” moments? My timeline is my own, …
MorePerson of the Year 2024: Timeless Encounters That Transform Your Life
My summer: neither perfect nor boring.
This has not been the typical postcard summer. Saturated with perfection and the slavery of the networks, I declared a strike of photos and videos. I took few and without much enthusiasm. I dedicated myself to living in the moment, to feeling and breathing freely, without any further aspirations. I can’t complain, it has been …
MoreAnna Iltnere and The Sea Library: Building Community Through a Passion for the Sea
Discover the enchanting Sea Library through an exclusive interview with Anna Iltnere. Immerse yourself in a world of literary treasures
MoreFreedom between Vignettes: Discovering Corto Maltés and Hugo Pratt
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Corto Maltese, created by Hugo Pratt. Explore adventure, romance, and freedom through beautifully crafted comic vignettes
MoreDiscover the Brilliance of Álvaro Cunqueiro’s “Fables and Legends of the Sea”
Immerse yourself in the poetic tales of Fables and Legends of the Sea by Álvaro Cunqueiro, where each story reflects the beauty of the ocean
MoreHymn to the Sea by Jorge Luis Borges: Poetry at Just the Sea
Learn about Jorge Luis Borges’ early poetic genius through “Hymn to the Sea,” his debut poem published in Grecia of Seville. Visit us for more poetry
MoreOde to the Sea by Pablo Neruda: Poetry at Just the Sea
Explore Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to the Sea” and immerse yourself in his poetic tribute to the majesty and timeless allure of the sea
MoreDiscover Simone Melchior’s Influence on Oceanic Research
Learn about Simone Melchior’s pivotal role in early diving innovations alongside Jacques Cousteau, marking thirty years since her significant contributions
MoreLa Antártida, hace 105 años
Recordamos, cuando está a punto de cumplirse un nuevo aniversario, la expedición de Shackleton En 1914 no había ni GPS, ni internet, ni teléfonos satélites. Tampoco nadie hablaba de liderazgo de equipos, de resiliencia o de comunicación interpersonal. En 1914 había sextantes, brújulas y mapas. Y en ese año Sarajevo es escenario de un asesinato …
MoreRevistas que vienen del mar. Just the Sea trae a España Sirene y Elementum, el mar en tus manos
Just the Sea trae a España dos publicaciones maravillosas, Sirene Journal y Elementum journal. Auténticas joyas, únicas, especiales, inspiradoras que conectan directamente con el alma. Las puedes comprar en nuestra web o en tiendas físicas seleccionadas como La Fábrica, librería náutica Robinson, La tienda del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid o La Boutique de la …