This has not been the typical postcard summer. Saturated with perfection and the slavery of the networks, I declared a strike of photos and videos. I took few and without much enthusiasm. I dedicated myself to living in the moment, to feeling and breathing freely, without any further aspirations.
I can’t complain, it has been a varied summer. There was sun and shade, although no “Sol y Sombra” – it is a Spanish cocktail that typically consists of equal parts brandy and anise liqueur. The name “Sol y Sombra” translates to “Sun and Shade”– I’m not up for that anymore.
I worked. I met up with dear friends. New people came into my life. I had days of total “singleness” and others of intense motherhood. I spent 15 days on my favorite island, Lanzarote. I had plans to visit Galicia, but for historical-personal reasons, this time it couldn’t be. Although, certainly, I remembered the Galician “Rías” a lot. Maybe I’m getting older, or maybe because my path with Angela Lago sea jewelry and Just the Sea has helped me close a cycle. My good friend Pepe Escudero, a Madrid-Galician-world-lover like me, kept me connected to the Galician coast through videos and photos of the beaches of Ribeira.
Nowadays, if I could, I would live all year round between Lanzarote, Ribeira, and a touch of Madrid, because Madrid, like the sea, always calls me back.
In my head, the perfect summer is three months on a boat, in some quiet corner. Every year that I don’t manage it, I feel like that child who tries to catch a fish with his hands on the shore… it escapes again and again, but he never stops trying. That’s my plan B. The A, the real one, is to divide my life between Madrid and the coast, living on a boat. That’s “my plan.”
I’m writing to you right now from Madrid, just back from Lanzarote. Fortunately, the energy of the island is still alive within me. I can’t even remember the long weeks in the Madrid oven.
The best of my summer:
The summer started with an explosion of inspiration. I thoroughly enjoyed my work in July and I’m back even more excited. I have a lot of new things in the works…
César Manrique and Lanzarote, an inspiring duo that I love deeply. This topic deserves its own chapter, which I promise to talk about later.
The book Are you kidding, Mr. Feynman? came into my hands by chance just before the trip, and it has been an unexpected pleasure. I highly recommend it.
¿Buscas el regalo perfecto para el Día del Padre a un precio increíble? ¡En Just the Sea tenemos justo lo que necesitas! Echa un vistazo a esta lista de 10 productos náuticos en oferta en nuestra web, que seguramente harán feliz a tu padre o a tu Pepe: 1.- Jersey Matelot de Saint James 100% …
“Nosotros, insignificantes, y el océano, inmenso, dispuesto a reconfortarnos, a dejar que nos sintamos libres, a embaucarnos, atontarnos o incluso alucinarnos”. Son las palabras de Míriam Barral sobre su serie ‘Na beira’. Unas fotografías de personas diminutas en la orilla del mar con las que la autora nos lleva a O Grove, en la costa …
The sea Life; a blue canvas where you draw lines and others constantly appear that undo your line. This summer our canvas has been filled with unexpected and unpredictable lines. _August 16th_ Finally, we have our Furia 44 ready; revised engine, electronics, electricity, plumbing, portholes, leather cover for the helm, bimini, davit, upholstery, ropes, anchor, …
My summer: neither perfect nor boring.
This has not been the typical postcard summer. Saturated with perfection and the slavery of the networks, I declared a strike of photos and videos. I took few and without much enthusiasm. I dedicated myself to living in the moment, to feeling and breathing freely, without any further aspirations.
I can’t complain, it has been a varied summer. There was sun and shade, although no “Sol y Sombra” – it is a Spanish cocktail that typically consists of equal parts brandy and anise liqueur. The name “Sol y Sombra” translates to “Sun and Shade”– I’m not up for that anymore.
I worked. I met up with dear friends. New people came into my life. I had days of total “singleness” and others of intense motherhood. I spent 15 days on my favorite island, Lanzarote. I had plans to visit Galicia, but for historical-personal reasons, this time it couldn’t be. Although, certainly, I remembered the Galician “Rías” a lot. Maybe I’m getting older, or maybe because my path with Angela Lago sea jewelry and Just the Sea has helped me close a cycle. My good friend Pepe Escudero, a Madrid-Galician-world-lover like me, kept me connected to the Galician coast through videos and photos of the beaches of Ribeira.
Nowadays, if I could, I would live all year round between Lanzarote, Ribeira, and a touch of Madrid, because Madrid, like the sea, always calls me back.
In my head, the perfect summer is three months on a boat, in some quiet corner. Every year that I don’t manage it, I feel like that child who tries to catch a fish with his hands on the shore… it escapes again and again, but he never stops trying. That’s my plan B. The A, the real one, is to divide my life between Madrid and the coast, living on a boat. That’s “my plan.”
I’m writing to you right now from Madrid, just back from Lanzarote. Fortunately, the energy of the island is still alive within me. I can’t even remember the long weeks in the Madrid oven.
The best of my summer:
The summer started with an explosion of inspiration. I thoroughly enjoyed my work in July and I’m back even more excited. I have a lot of new things in the works…
The incredible reception of my exhibition in Galicia. The main Galician media talked about my work, La Voz de Galicia, Faro de Vigo, El Correo gallego, El Español, even a report by Amelia Enriquez from The Luxonomist.
César Manrique and Lanzarote, an inspiring duo that I love deeply. This topic deserves its own chapter, which I promise to talk about later.
The book Are you kidding, Mr. Feynman? came into my hands by chance just before the trip, and it has been an unexpected pleasure. I highly recommend it.
This has been my summer.
Not perfect, but a good summer.
And yours?
Angela Lago, founder of Angela Lago sea jewelry and Just the Sea
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