Tag Archives: saint james

  • regalos náuticos y ropa náutica

    Nautical OUTLET online | Cool Nautical gifts for everybody

    Just the Sea began its way on The Sea Side of Life in June 2018 and now, in 2022, we have decided to create our first Nautical Outlet full of nautical Lifestyle opportunities. Oh, Yeah! Since the beginning we have been selecting garments, objects and artworks inspired by the sea. With stories and history of …

  • The Fisherman’s Smock: A Cross-Channel Maritime Staple

    Discover the legendary Fisherman’s Smock, a prized maritime garment known for its timeless appeal and cultural significance across the English Channel

  • La aventura transoceánica de Luigi y Just the Sea

      Desde que se puso en marcha Just the Sea, este proyecto soñó con que llegase un momento como este: meterse en un barco y navegar de verdad. Y no se trata de un barco ni de una aventura cualquiera. Just the Sea participará de la mano del regatista Luigi Dubini, en una de las …
