_Original text in English If I had to choose a person of the year, it would undoubtedly be Richard P. Feynman. I don’t follow other people’s calendars. Do you? Or do you also make up your own? Why let the world dictate when you should be having your “aha” moments? My timeline is my own, …
MorePerson of the Year 2024: Timeless Encounters That Transform Your Life
My summer: neither perfect nor boring.
This has not been the typical postcard summer. Saturated with perfection and the slavery of the networks, I declared a strike of photos and videos. I took few and without much enthusiasm. I dedicated myself to living in the moment, to feeling and breathing freely, without any further aspirations. I can’t complain, it has been …
MoreThe Enigmatic Beauty of Sea Sapphires
Explore the fascinating world of sea sapphires and their unique iridescent properties, blending seamlessly into their aquatic surroundings
MoreGive Summer to Your Mother: Celebrate Mom with the Best Ocean Lover Gifts
Looking for the perfect gift for your ocean lover mom? Discover our top 6 Mother’s Day picks and make her summer special
MoreSailing into New Waters: Introducing my exclusive Author’s Marine Jewelry Website
Many of you are familiar with my journey with Just the Sea, which has recently taken a new and exciting turn into a project closely tied to my passion for the sea: jewelry inspired by the marine world. Introducing my new website www.angelalagoseajewelry.com , where you’ll find my exclusive collection of handcrafted jewelry – mainly …
MoreAnna Iltnere and The Sea Library: Building Community Through a Passion for the Sea
Discover the enchanting Sea Library through an exclusive interview with Anna Iltnere. Immerse yourself in a world of literary treasures
More10 regalos náuticos en oferta para el Día del Padre
¿Buscas el regalo perfecto para el Día del Padre a un precio increíble? ¡En Just the Sea tenemos justo lo que necesitas! Echa un vistazo a esta lista de 10 productos náuticos en oferta en nuestra web, que seguramente harán feliz a tu padre o a tu Pepe: 1.- Jersey Matelot de Saint James 100% …
MoreVelas Blancas Club: Navegar en el mar en velero, por 60€ al día a dos horas de Madrid
_English below_ Desde hace tiempo, fantaseo con la idea de poseer mi propio barco y navegar a mi antojo. Sin embargo, el papeleo, el mantenimiento y la responsabilidad asociada me frenan en este momento de mi vida, cuando tengo otras prioridades y gastos ineludibles. Siendo realistas la compra de un barco tendrá que esperar. Sin …
MoreAmor es mar, tu regalo de San Valentín
Coeur d’amour, de Henry Matisse _English below Te regalamos un poema – Amor es mar, de Alí Chumacero– y te ayudamos a regalar a-Mar-es este 14 de febrero con nuestra selección de regalos para San Valentín. “Llegas, amor, cuando la vida ya nada me ofrecía sino un duro sabor de lenta consunción y un …
MoreFreedom between Vignettes: Discovering Corto Maltés and Hugo Pratt
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Corto Maltese, created by Hugo Pratt. Explore adventure, romance, and freedom through beautifully crafted comic vignettes